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Keeping the Wonder Workshop
Keeping the Wonder Book Companion Workshop
Who We Are and What We Are About (6:41)
Virtual Swag: Wonder Welcome Gift
Virtual Swag: Keeping the Wonder Inspired Google Keep
Virtual Swag: Keeping the Wonder Daily Planner
Element 1: Surprise
Introduction to the Element of Surprise
Flashbulb Classrooms: How to Have an Impactful First Day with Ashley Bible (14:48)
Flashbulb Classrooms: Making the Most of your Magic Using Transformations with Staci Lamb (11:21)
Flashbulb Classrooms: Amazing Ambient Sounds with Ashley Bible (7:29)
Flashbulb Props: Using Paint Chips to Teach Tone with Jenna Copper (9:59)
Flashbulb Content: Using Podcasts in the Classroom with Ashley Bible (20:57)
Flashbulb Activities: Paperless Engagement with Staci Lamb (14:16)
Flashbulb Activities: Hosting a Mock Trial for ANY Text with Abby Gross (14:52)
Flashbulb Activities: Creating Escape Rooms with Jenna Copper (21:46)
Flashbulb Activities: Theater to Energize Your Classroom with Wonder Maker Marie Morris (20:27)
Flashbulb Activities: Using Board Games in the Classroom with Wonder Maker Jamie Trost (26:13)
Flashbulb Activities: Creating Green Screen Magic with Wonder Maker Shana Ramin (7:30)
Flashbulb Activities: Hosting a Book Bakery Bake Off Challenge with Jenna Copper (2:16)
Exit Ticket: Element of Surprise Feedback
Element 2: Curiosity
Introduction to the Element of Curiosity
Defining Curiosity: What Curiosity Says About You with Ashley Bible (5:15)
Sparking Curiosity: Getting to Know Your Students Digitally with Ashley Bible (Remote Friendly) (20:13)
Sparking Curiosity: Making Meaning with Visuals with Staci Lamb (15:30)
Sparking Curiosity: How to Facilitate Engaging Learning Stations with Abby Gross (20:20)
Sparking Curiosity Creating Digital Learning Stations with Abby Gross (Remote or 1:1 Friendly) (11:01)
Sparking Curiosity: Designing Slides that Dazzle with Staci Lamb (15:44)
Sparking Curiosity: Gaze Upon Gallery Walks with Abby Gross (11:59)
Sparking Curiosity: Harnessing the Magic of Setting with Wonder Maker Amanda Cardenas (11:04)
Cultivating Curiosity: What do you notice? with Abby Gross (9:50)
Cultivating Curiosity: Keeping Kids Curious with Guest Speakers with Wonder Maker Staci Yamanishi (7:32)
Co-Creating Curiosity: Use CSET to Cite Evidence with Staci Lamb (7:44)
Co-Creating Curiosity: Virtual Travel in the Classroom with Jenna Copper (6:01)
Exit Ticket: Element of Curiosity Feedback
Element 3: Freedom
Introduction to the Element of Freedom
Freedom to Learn: Creating Student-Centered Curriculum with Abby Gross (18:33)
Freedom to Learn: Digital Notebooks for Engagement and Accessibility with Wonder Maker Tahiya Cooper (Remote or 1:1 Friendly) (7:19)
Freedom to Explore: Bringing Poetry to Life with Wonder Maker Angelina Murphy (19:01)
Freedom to Explore: Interactive Slides with Abby Gross (12:26)
Freedom to Explore: Advancing the YA Canon for All with Dr. Angelyne Collins (26:50)
Freedom to Discuss: Engaging Students with Speed Dating with Abby Gross (18:23)
Freedom to Discuss: Gamify Class Discussions with Wonder Maker Stacey Lloyd (28:21)
Freedom to Discuss: Flipping Your Perspective with Flipgrid with Annie Shultz (Remote or 1:1 Friendly) (16:56)
Freedom to Play: Kinesthetic Question Trails with Abby Gross (16:04)
Freedom to Play: Learning on Your Feet with Wonder Maker Emily Aierstok (26:38)
Freedom to Play: Using GimKit to Make Learning Stick with Dr. Richard Warren (11:53)
Freedom to Play: ELA Games for the Win with Wonder Maker Stephanie Grace (9:25)
Exit Ticket: Element of Freedom Feedback
Element 4: Inspiration
Introduction to the Element of Inspiration
Inspired by Creativity: Student-made Storybooks with Ashley Bible (18:31)
Inspired by Creativity: Creating Student Folder Portfolios with Staci Lamb (7:35)
Inspired by Students: Using Emojis to Engage with Jenna Copper (11:31)
Inspired by Students: Empower Entrepreneurial Students to Dream big with Wonder Maker Tanesha B. Forman (11:52)
Inspired by Students: Unlock the Meaning of 100,000 Words in a Single Lesson (16:57)
Inspired by Art: Creating Word Art Summaries with Ashley Bible (9:06)
Inspired by Art: Digital English Language ARTS with Ashley Bible (Remote or 1:1 Friendly) (20:11)
Inspired by Art: The Value of Visual Notes with Wonder Maker LaQuisha Hall (27:12)
Inspired by Art: Literary Analysis with Picture Books with Jenna Copper (9:47)
Inspired by Art: Blackout Poetry as a Fun Close Reading Tool with Ashley Bible (12:08)
Inspired by Perspective: Reading Like a Writer with Staci Lamb (11:15)
Exit Ticket: Element of Inspiration Feedback
Certificate of Completion & Final Feedback Form
Final Feedback Form
Here's Your Certificate of Completion!
BONUS: Example Book Study
Book Study Information and Inspiration
Book Study Questions
KTW Book Intro Prereading Activity
KTW Book Surprise Section Pre-meeting Task
Meeting 1: Intro + Surprise (49:16)
KTW Book Curiosity Section Pre-meeting Task
Meeting 2: Curiosity (48:09)
KTW Book Freedom Section Pre-meeting Task
Meeting 3: Freedom (40:02)
KTW Book Inspiration Section Pre-meeting Task
Meeting 4: Inspiration (38:37)
Meeting 4: Inspiration
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